Daniel Harris

Coding, The Cloud, and Tech

17. October 2013 12:11
by Daniel Harris

Solved: Windows 8.1 Upgrade Link gives a 403 Forbidden error - Windows RT and Windows Pro

17. October 2013 12:11 by | 0 Comments

If you are clicking the links on the Microsoft website to try and get to the update to 8.1, and you are getting a 403 Forbidden Error, then try hitting the following address in your browser: ms-windows-store:WindowsUpgrade Just copy and paste that into your browser address bar, hit enter, and you should be taken to the store to get the update. This worked on my Surface RT and laptop with Windows 8 Pro. This is the usual way i've seen apps linked to in the store previously, i'm not sure why it isn't the link Microsoft just put directly into the page. EDIT: Looks like the link has now been updated on the various Microsoft pages to use the above

27. June 2013 00:40
by Daniel Harris

Surface RT - Compression Artifacts (Pixelation) during video playback

27. June 2013 00:40 by | 0 Comments

Thought I would quickly post this to save others the possible headache of figuring out why their Surface RT suddenly starting showing compression artifacts during video playback. In my case other apps, including some of the more demanding games continued to run fine. The issue seems to be caused by the May firmware update. To be sure I have refreshed the Surface a number of times, and it's always after that update the problem comes back again. The problem affects video playback in most apps, including embedded videos in web pages, within the Netflix app, and when playing local video files from the hard drive. At the moment the answer is to just not install that firmware update after doing a PC refresh. I'm hoping not installing the firmware update won't prevent me from trying the 8.1 Preview. I just don't want to start using the Preview until I have working video. I opted to install 8.1 (After taking a USB backup of the old recovery partition) and it didn't fix the issue, neither did any of the recent 8.1 updates. If you find a better solution than just simply not installing the Firmware update, please post in the comments. I've uploaded a video to YouTube showing the problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk9zIkT8Pbo  Hoping to get an answer from Microsoft soon on their forum: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/forum/surfwinrt-surfupdate/surface-rt-video-playback-issues-after-firmware/472ea1b8-943f-4d8c-8322-12b38f5e744e?page=2&tm=1373408564916#LastReply  Update - 10/07/2013 There is an ongoing forum thread on the Microsoft Answers website, it looks as though we may get an answer here at some point. Microsoft Community Forum | Surface RT Video Playback Issues After Firmware Update It also looks as though the Surface Twitter account are aware of a problem. Unfortunately the answer is still to "stay tuned" for a fix. @danieltharris Thanks for following up. My apologies again for the inconvenience. Please stay tuned! — Surface (@surface) July 10, 2013   I've also heard that the July Firmware update was supposed to resolve this issue, but word on various blogs is that the firmware update has been pulled for the time being. No explanation yet as to why but people have said they aren't seeing on either RT 8 or RT 8.1. Personally I can only say i've not yet seen it on 8.1 as I only have the one Surface RT device.

7. May 2013 19:26
by Daniel Harris

Utilising Office 365 as a Google Reader Replacement

7. May 2013 19:26 by | 0 Comments

With the demise of Google Reader looming, i've turned to outlook, and Office 365 to replace some of the most basic functionality, and surprisingly it does pretty much everything I need... [More]

30. January 2013 00:12
by Daniel Harris

Restore Jump List options for Outlook 2013

30. January 2013 00:12 by | 0 Comments

Recently the handy jump list actions seemed to disappear from my install of Office 2013, specifically Outlook. Over the years i’ve came to use these extensively – If you need to restore them you simply need to: Unpin Outlook from the taskbar Exit Outlook if it is currently running Delete the following registry key and all subkeys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Setup I’m not sure if the problem will return but this has solved the issue at least for now. At some point I will see if a similar fix can be applied to other Office 2013 applications such as Lync.

13. January 2013 17:41
by Daniel Harris

Pinning Remote Desktop Connections to the Windows 8 Start Screen

13. January 2013 17:41 by | 0 Comments

Today I was trying to pin some commonly used servers to my Windows 8 start screen, and I noticed the option wasn't available when I right clicked on the various saved .RDP files. I did try right clicking the connections and choosing "Create Shortcut", but I still did not get the option when right clicking the shortcut, adding the shortcut manually to the following location didn't work either: C:\Users\MyUsername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs To get around the problem I navigated to the above folder, right clicked and chose "New > Shortcut" In the box asking you to type the location of the item, enter the following, substituting for your server name/IP where I've entered C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe /v:"" Now I have all my servers available on the start screen as intended.

27. October 2012 16:12
by Daniel Harris

Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac 8.0.18305 Impressions

27. October 2012 16:12 by | 0 Comments

Today I got an alert from Parallels that the latest update was available. I always like to be notified rather than downloading it automatically so I can see what new features have been introduced. The latest update has a focus on Windows 8 as you would expect. The ones i’m most interested in i’ve listed below: Support for one finger gestures to show charms and running applications Full speed support for USB 3.0 devices Windows 8 system notifications are displayed as Mountain Lion notifications New, more intuitive design to optimise Windows for working on Retina Displays Some other updates i'm personally less interested in, but still noteworthy are: Support for Windows Server 2012 Ability to assign up to 16GB RAM to a single VM (I'll be sticking with 8GB on my MBPr) In case you are considering upgrading but not quite sure yet i've covered some of the changes below. One finger gesture support for opening Charms etc This makes the gestures available on touch screens work on trackpads. To activate them you need to swipe from off the trackpad from either the left, right, or top/bottom. Swipe in from the left to see all your running applications Swipe in from the right to bring up the charms menu Swipe in from the top/bottom to bring up the context menus (Same as right click) It works really well and shows the OS can be just as intuitive with a trackpad as with a touchscreen. I tend to use keyboard shortcuts myself, but for those out there who don't like remembering key combinations this should be a welcome addition. New UI for Retina Display Options I actually think this is a step backwards, but it ultimately gives you the same options as before. Previously you had two check boxes; One to enable the use of the full resolution, and another to Optimise the display. Optimising the display basically just sets Windows DPI setting to 199%. You now get 3 options, i've listed below how these map to the old check boxes. Scaled = Both boxes unticked Best for Retina = Both boxes ticked More space = Only "Enable full resolution" ticked My personal preference is to choose "More Space" and set my DPI setting manually to 178%, this still allows more tiles on the start screen, without things becoming too small.   The parallels "Best for Retina" setting forces it to 199% which means tiles on the home screen become larger, meaning you fit the same number of tiles as you would on a screen running at 1440x900. Windows 8 System Notifications displayed as Mountain Lion notifications I was disappointed to find that this doesn't appear to work if you run your VM in full screen or windowed. I tried installing an application from the Windows store, sent an email to my account in Office 2013, and also turned on my Xbox 360. All should trigger a notification, and they did in Windows, but none of them appeared in Mountain Lion. It looks like this only works in Coherence mode...Which makes sense for it to work here, but I think you should be able to get alerts in ML no matter how you like to run your VM. An example where this would be useful is if you have Windows 8 in full screen on Desktop 2, but you're working on Desktop 1 in Mac OS X. I hope Parallels will add support for this in full screen/windowed mode in a future update. UPDATE: I think my machine just needed a reboot after enabling this setting as it has been working great for a while now. Good to know when something happens in Windows if i'm using OS X at the time. General Impression of the Update Any update is always welcome, and it's great Parallels are releasing new features on a regular basis lately. Parallels is still the most valuable piece of software i've had, and my personal favourite for desktop virtualisation. It still feels so much faster than VM Ware player/ Workstation on Windows which I also use on a daily basis. Most importantly of all the update has not broken anything. This is a problem some people have had in the past with new versions of PD8. I can say that for me nothing has gone wrong. I am running a Retina MBP and Windows 8 RTM from August. From my personal experience you can update to the latest version without fear of issues cropping up. You can read the full KB article that discusses all the changes in the update here: Parallels KB article for PD8 8.0.18305  If you've updated please post your impressions in the comments.    

12. September 2012 20:54
by Daniel Harris

Switching from a Windows Laptop to a Macbook Pro - Initial Impressions of a .NET Developer

12. September 2012 20:54 by | 0 Comments

Early August I took delivery of a Macbook Pro with Retina display, with a slightly bumped up spec over the base. This is the first Mac i’ve owned, and the first chance i’ve had to really try the OS. I’ve always had Windows Laptops before, and the reason I bought the Macbook wasn’t because there is anything wrong with Windows, simply that the spec of the Macbook hardware is what I was after, plain and simple. The Hardware It’s very light for it’s size and more than powerful enough for my development activities. There seemed to be a distinct lack of notebooks and ultrabooks I could buy with a 16GB memory configuration. Having 16GB of RAM means I am more than able to run Windows virtualised, rather than having to boot into it via Boot Camp. I’ve used VM’s for development in work plenty of times before running in VMWare Workstation, and at times it has been a flaky experience. Running Windows At the end of the day, i’m a huge Windows fan, and I spend most of my working week in Visual Studio, so I will always want to run Windows. As I said above, with the spec of the machine I opted for virtualising Windows rather than doing a dual boot… I chose Parallels Desktop for Mac on the advice of a friend and haven’t looked back since. Windows 7 (and now Windows 8) run silky smooth and when in full screen it feels like i’m running it on bare metal rather than virtualised.  I tried Coherence mode which i’d heard a lot about. And although it works much better than Unity mode in VMWare Workstation, I still like to feel as though i’m running Windows fully rather than just using Windows app from within Mac OS X. Once i’d tweaked the settings in Parallels I found I was running Windows 8 and forgetting completely that it was a VM, or that I was even using a Mac. I’ve been using the machine for around a month now and it’s been a very pleasant experience and I find that I now switch between Windows and Mac seamlessly as part of my workflow. I’m going to cover in another post how I have Parallels setup to get (what I believe to be) the optimal experience. The way it works and integrates Mac OS and Windows out of the box is really impressive! Mac OS X Overall I have to admit, I do like Apple’s desktop operating system. Visually I think it looks good, albeit slightly more dated looking than Windows 7 and 8. The thing that really makes the OS a joy to use though are the multi-touch gestures. I have never been a fan of trackpads, but I find that the gestures are implemented so well that I can’t imagine using a Mac without them. It may seem like a small thing, but once you get used to them they really speed up your use of the system, and it’s nice to see Microsoft implementing gestures in Windows 8.